Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a general term used to described techniques that are used by a highly skilled therapist to improve the movement of joints and soft tissue like muscles and fascia.

Techniques may include ultrasound, taping, compression therapy, and several therapies highlighted in this section of our website. Manual therapy is an important component of the rehabilitation process. For questions about manual therapies or to make an appointment, please call 602-359-9125.


What is IASTM?
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilizations (IASTM) are instruments utilized during manual therapy by highly trained therapists to address soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions. This form of manual therapy is found to improve range of motion, decrease pain, and improve muscular control.

Using hand-held instruments, IASTM clinicians scan over the skin to find soft tissue problems. The application provides small vibrations which allows the clinician to discover the location of the scar tissue or restrictions. Further pressure and techniques are then used to break up the restriction to help the patient recover range of motion and functionality.

Graston® is one of the types of IASTM that we offer at Arizona Manual Therapy Centers. It consists of six ergonomically-designed stainless steel tools.

Am I a candidate for IASTM?
IASTM is an effective treatment option for a variety of conditions including (and not limited to):

  • Neck/back pain

  • Myofascial pain and restrictions

  • Sprains/strains

  • Post-surgical and traumatic scars

  • Medial/Lateral Epicondylitis (golfer’s/tennis elbow)

  • Tendinopathies

Many patients report increased range of motion and reduced pain after the first IASTM treatment. IASTM has been proven successful in reducing problems from surgical and traumatic scar tissue, achieving great results with pain control and rejuvenating joint, ligament, tendon and muscle flexibility.

Please call 602-359-9125 for more information on IASTM or to request an appointment.

Therapeutic Cupping

What is therapeutic cupping?

Therapeutic cupping is tissue distraction therapy involving placement of cups, typically made of silicon or plastic, on the body. Cupping is found to improve fascial mobility and circulation to decrease pain and inflammation while increasing new blood flow for tissue healing. This practice dates back over 2,000 years, but has recently received attention due to its use by world-class athletes for injury relief.

To request an appointment or to learn more about therapeutic cupping at AZ Manual Physical Therapy, please call 602-359-9125.